(Message by Todd Friel, 75 minutes)
Ask most Christians what they know about hermeneutics and they will probably ask, "Herman Who?" Spend 75 minutes with us and you will receive a condensed 16-week master's level education on how to read the Bible right. You will never read the Bible the same way again . . . and you will never have the wool pulled over your eyes by a false teacher.
Paul told Timothy (and us) to "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." By studying this course, you will be equipped to rightly divide the Word of Truth and read the Bible right.
Here's what "Herman Who?" attendees have to say:
"These principles are a must for anyone desiring a truthful understanding of the Bible." — Robert P.
"I’ve read a lot of books about proper interpretation but this class was in a league by itself. Without a doubt, it was the best investment I've ever made into accurately understanding and applying the Word of God. Todd breaks down an enormous amount of information into an understandable, useful format anyone can do - it's like taking an entire Seminary class in just a few hours! I loved it, and use it every day in my walk with Christ." - Laura A.
Get Herman Who (DVD) Here!